Thursday, June 30, 2011

If It's Too Loud, You're Too Old.

June 28th I had the pleasure of attending a concert here in town. Normally, I wouldn't attend such foolishness, as it's just not in my things-to-do list anymore, but my good friend Jim Heiderscheit suggested I check it out as it would be a pretty kickass show. If you know me at all, you'll know I was skeptical, as usual. I was wrong, also as usual. He was right.   

I had my concert-going days back in the 1980s, and they were good. Damn good. My first concert...Twisted Sister. That was 1986. This is 2011. Most of the bands I listen to are either retired, broken up beyond repair, or dead. It's a fact of life. Bands come and bands go. Sad, but true. Sure, there are still a few of them around, but most of them have changed so much over the years that I just don't get what I used to out of them (don't EVEN get me started about Metallica).

Tuesday night was different. It wasn't thousands of people screaming their heads off, getting drunk and passing the doobies around in the stands, stopping just short of a drunken riot. This was a smaller venue, and it fit the bands that played there very well, in my opinion.

Yeah, it was loud. Really loud and my ears paid for it, I'm sure. It was hot and there was no air conditioning. But that was ok. It was rock music the way rock music is supposed to be played. Loud, gritty, sweaty, and IN YOUR FACE. I was right up on the stage with the rest of the guys there who probably weren't much older than my own children. They were jumping around, dancing, banging their head, and after a while, by God, so was I.

The three guys with guitars kicked ass...seriously. The vocals, the keyboard player, my buddy Jim on drums (he was tight, man...lemme tell you what)...these guys have their shit together. They covered "Just What I Needed" by The Cars. Ho. Lee. SHIT. I was blown away. Srsly blown away. You have NO idea.

I felt like I was 16 was awesome. Just plain awesome.

You'll see a couple videos I shot of them playing below; the footage isn't theater quality, but who cares? It's rock and roll's not supposed to be pretty. It's all what you make it.

Thanks for reading (and listening), all.


  1. Is this your mid-life crisis going on !? If it is that means you'll live to be what 70? Haha . An let me know when yuh buy the convertible , I wanna go for a ride , or better yet drive it :)

    1. Hahaha. Jim the drummer has the mid-life crisis! He has a daughter and a wife. He left his wife to be a "rocker"! I heard she is super cool and pretty and really sad that he left her.
      Too bad. Maybe I'll ask her out! Jim's a douche with a God complex!
